Category: Piano Studio Tutorials

Create An Easy DIY Piano Bulletin Board for Your Piano Studio

Is your piano studio in need of some freshening up? Are you looking for an easy piano studio board that will make a statement, even in very small spaces? Do you need the perfect way to welcome your students to lessons? Then you need your own DIY piano bulletin board! In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create your own “Welcome to Piano” bulletin board.

How To Create a QR Code for Your Piano Recital Program

I don’t know about you, but I get frustrated printing programs for my recitals only to throw so many away afterward. So this year, I decided to try something different by creating a QR code for a digital piano recital program! This quick and easy tutorial will show you step by step how to create your own QR code so you can easily share a digital version of your piano recital program with your audience.

Simplify Your Tax Prep with One Simple Tool

Whether you’re a piano teacher who is reading this in March as you’re preparing your taxes, or reading in June when tax season seems so far away, staying on top of our taxes is something we should be doing year-round! Today I’m going to show you a very simple way to stay on top of your expense receipts so you won’t have to cram or panic at the last minute.

Easy Lower Back Stretch for Pianists

In this interview with Dr. Stephanie Elkins, DPT, we’ll learn how to improve piano posture with an easy lower back stretch for pianists. This is Part 4 of our piano posture series, in which we’re addressing the issues that cause neck and back pain from spending hours each day teaching piano lessons in person and online. 

Chest Stretches to Improve Piano Posture

In this interview with Dr. Stephanie Elkins, DPT, we’ll learn how to improve piano posture with chest stretches. This is Part 3 of our piano posture series, in which we’re addressing the issues that cause neck and back pain from spending hours each day teaching piano lessons in person and online. 

3 Upper Back Exercises for Piano Teachers

Piano teachers are complaining of back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain from spending hours each day teaching online piano lessons. Learn how to address these issues with three upper back exercises for piano teachers in Part Two of my interview with Dr. Stephanie Elkins, DPT.

Fix Piano Student Slouching with Chin Tucks

Piano teachers are complaining of back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain from spending hours each day teaching online piano lessons. We’re twisting at the waist, sitting partially turned towards the screen, and we’re exhibiting overall poor piano posture. Piano student slouching is worse than ever before. Learn how to address these issues in Part One of my interview with Dr. Stephanie Elkins, DPT.

Take Your Piano Recital Outdoors: A Simple 8-Step Guide

Andrea West is a piano teacher, graphic designer, and marketing director who recently held an outside piano recital on her front porch! Rather than canceling her recital due to Covid concerns, she thought outside the box to create a fun and memorable experience for her piano families. Please enjoy Andrea’s article on eight simple steps for hosting an outdoor piano recital.

How to Use a Digital Planner for Piano Teachers

Hey piano teachers! Do you like using planners? I do! And I love using this beautiful blush, navy, and champagne digital planner for piano teachers! This planner includes a variety of forms, calendars, and documents for your studio, whether you’re teaching online or in person, to help keep you organized and keep your studio running smoothly. And you can even import sheet music into the digital planner to keep your lesson planning for online piano lessons organized and at your fingertips!


At, our mission is to provide piano teaching resources, sheet music, and ideas that will help you and your piano students thrive!

Hi! I’m Melody Payne, a pianist and piano teacher, educational resource author, a fun-loving wife to the most wonderful and talented hubby I could ask for, and a lifelong learner who loves to share. I want to make your life as a music teacher easier by writing and sharing helpful and relevant music teaching articles, and by creating educational resources with your very own students in mind. If you are a parent who wants to enroll your child in piano lessons, I’d love for us to get started building those skills that can give your child a lifetime of musical enjoyment!

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