Category: Piano Teaching

Piano recital ideas, piano teaching tips, piano studio challenges, and more.

Fix Piano Student Slouching with Chin Tucks

Piano teachers are complaining of back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain from spending hours each day teaching online piano lessons. We’re twisting at the waist, sitting partially turned towards the screen, and we’re exhibiting overall poor piano posture. Piano student slouching is worse than ever before. Learn how to address these issues in Part One of my interview with Dr. Stephanie Elkins, DPT.

Eliminate Filler Words from Your Piano Teaching Vocabulary in 6 Easy Steps

We use them to verbalize our hesitations. We use them because we’re thinking, or we’re not sure what to say next. We use them as a way to let people know we’re still speaking. We use them because maybe we’re not feeling confident about what we want to say. What are they? Filler words. Learn how to eliminate them from your vocabulary and become a clearer and more succinct communicator and teacher.

A Deep Dive into Schubert’s Waltz in B Minor

Teachers – what is your superpower? My piano teacher superpower seems to be teaching intermediate historical repertoire in a way that allows my students to play expressively. I love getting my students engaged with works by the great masters, including one of my all-time favorites, Franz Schubert, whose Waltz in B minor, D.145 / Op.18, No.6 will be discussed here.

150 Ways to Say “Good” in Piano Lessons

My toolbox for complimenting my students was not “very good”, and I was stuck in a rut with my boring and repetitive praise and encouragement words, all of which incorporated the same not-so-creative word: “Good”. Download the free list of 150+ complimentary words and phrases, and before you know it, your piano teaching vocabulary will be bursting at the seams with imaginative and creative ways to say “good job”. Your piano students will love it!

Feed the Music Monster Sight-Reading and Ear Training Game for Piano Lessons

This adorable beginning piano game can be used to review both sight-reading and ear training. It includes five notes of the treble staff: Middle C, D, E, F, G. Perfect for in-person instruction, and adaptable for online piano lessons.

5 Tips for Engaging Young Piano Students During Online Lessons

During this global crisis, piano teachers everywhere have been challenged to pivot and adjust to teaching music lessons online. The COVID-19 pandemic has truly been an unprecedented time for embracing technology to the fullest! With trial and error, my little pianists and I have found some creative ways to keep piano lessons fun while online. I hope you’ll enjoy trying these ideas with your students!

Fun & Affordable Prizes Piano Students Love!

What kind of prizes do I include in my piano studio prize box that students of all ages would love, and that are very affordable? I’ve asked my students what kinds of things they’d love to have as prizes, and added my own options as well, so our prize box is filled with a huge variety of affordable treasures suitable for all ages. Slime to scrunchies, music-themed pencils, socks, and gift cards, and more!

Getting Started with Boom Cards™ in Piano Lessons

If you are teaching in person and/or online piano lessons, and you are looking for a way to make your piano lessons more interactive, you might be wondering about trying Boom Cards™ in piano lessons. But what are Boom Cards™? How do you use Boom Cards™ in piano lessons? I’m going to show you what they are, and how you can use them to make online and in person piano lessons fun, engaging, and interactive experiences for your students!

Teaching Beginning Piano Scales to Young Piano Students

Introduce your students to major and minor pentascales, chords, and arpeggios in a colorful and engaging way with this vibrant beginning piano technique book. The study of piano scales, chords, and arpeggios is extremely important to a pianist’s development. Help your students become Scales Superstars as they work their way through this valuable beginning piano scales book.


At, our mission is to provide piano teaching resources, sheet music, and ideas that will help you and your piano students thrive!

Hi! I’m Melody Payne, a pianist and piano teacher, educational resource author, a fun-loving wife to the most wonderful and talented hubby I could ask for, and a lifelong learner who loves to share. I want to make your life as a music teacher easier by writing and sharing helpful and relevant music teaching articles, and by creating educational resources with your very own students in mind. If you are a parent who wants to enroll your child in piano lessons, I’d love for us to get started building those skills that can give your child a lifetime of musical enjoyment!

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