Category: Piano Teaching

Piano recital ideas, piano teaching tips, piano studio challenges, and more.

3 Quick and Easy Ways to Train Music Intervals During Piano Lessons

Piano students who master intervallic reading are better equipped to be able to start seeing the score in terms of note groupings, rather than reading one note to the next. Here are some ideas on how to intentionally fit training music intervals into a busy 30-minute piano lesson.

The Perfect Keyboard Geography Game for Beginner Piano Lessons

The Piano Keys Spelling Bee Game is the perfect keyboard geography game for preschool and kindergarten piano students! The skills needed to play the game are exactly what students in this age range are working on in school.

25 Favorite Hymns for Beginning Pianists (Bonus: Create Your Own Accompaniments)

I love the old hymns, discovering chord patterns, expanding my accompaniment styles, and therefore, teaching hymns for beginning pianists. In this post, I will share a peek inside Simple Hymns for Worship as well as give you ideas for creating your own accompaniment/teacher duet part (with a video tutorial!).

5 Easy Ways to Use Music Certificates in Private Lessons and K-12 Music Classes

These aesthetically-pleasing music certificates can go a long way in helping create positive, long-lasting memories for music students. The list of awards can be used as a planning tool for teachers. Click here to read 5 easy ways to use music certificates in private music lessons and the K-12 music classroom.

Teaching Scales, Chords, and Arpeggios Using the Superstar Scales Piano Technique Book

The Superstar Scales Piano Technique Book is clean and simple, yet thorough enough that students should not need any additional books for learning scales, chords, and arpeggios after mastering this book. The alternate fingerings allow students to seamlessly transition to two and four- octave scales.

Piano Keys Are a Breeze! 11 Introductory Piano Key Recognition Activities

Looking for cute and colourful keyboard geography worksheets to use with your young, beginning piano students? Piano Keys Are a Breeze is a fantastic, inexpensive resource that includes 11 appealing worksheets that your in-person or online students can start using today.

How I Use Easter Piano Worksheets to Conduct Spring Assessments for Beginners

Spring is the perfect time to assess how much students have learned over the course of a school year. Easter Piano Worksheets is a comprehensive resource that helps teachers to assess students’ knowledge of theory fundamentals.

Inspire Your Teens to Level Up With Video Game Style Piano Music

Help your teen and tween students stay excited about piano with these fun-to-use, super accessible video game style pieces. I’ll show you all sorts of ways you can use Saga Land in your studio. Perfect for online lessons and digital pianos too!

5 Reasons to Use Junior Superstar Scales with Young Beginners

Young beginners can feel excited when starting piano lessons. It is important to capitalize on that early enthusiasm and help students to progress quickly. Even young beginners can benefit so much through learning to play pentascales. It’s a great means to isolate important skills such as keyboard geography and recognizing intervals.


At, our mission is to provide piano teaching resources, sheet music, and ideas that will help you and your piano students thrive!

Hi! I’m Melody Payne, a pianist and piano teacher, educational resource author, a fun-loving wife to the most wonderful and talented hubby I could ask for, and a lifelong learner who loves to share. I want to make your life as a music teacher easier by writing and sharing helpful and relevant music teaching articles, and by creating educational resources with your very own students in mind. If you are a parent who wants to enroll your child in piano lessons, I’d love for us to get started building those skills that can give your child a lifetime of musical enjoyment!

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