Category: Games & Activities for Piano Lessons

3 Quick and Easy Ways to Train Music Intervals During Piano Lessons

Piano students who master intervallic reading are better equipped to be able to start seeing the score in terms of note groupings, rather than reading one note to the next. Here are some ideas on how to intentionally fit training music intervals into a busy 30-minute piano lesson.

5 Off-Bench Activities for Piano Lessons

It’s a well-known truth that children learn best through play, and we can take advantage of that bit of knowledge and use a variety of activities during piano lessons to keep things fresh, engaging, and most of all, fun! These activities can be used both in-person, and online with a few modifications, so they’re ideal for a variety of teaching situations. They’re also great for groups.

How to Teach Piano Key Geography to Beginning Piano Students

Teaching keyboard geography to young piano students is one of my favorite parts of teaching beginners! Showing them an easy way to remember the piano keys opens up a brand new world to them, and I’m happy to play a role in that learning process. In this free piano pedagogy workshop, watch how I teach piano key geography to beginning piano students, and to learn some of my philosophies of why I teach the piano keys the way I do.

Feed the Music Monster Sight-Reading and Ear Training Game for Piano Lessons

This adorable beginning piano game can be used to review both sight-reading and ear training. It includes five notes of the treble staff: Middle C, D, E, F, G. Perfect for in-person instruction, and adaptable for online piano lessons.

5 Tips for Engaging Young Piano Students During Online Lessons

During this global crisis, piano teachers everywhere have been challenged to pivot and adjust to teaching music lessons online. The COVID-19 pandemic has truly been an unprecedented time for embracing technology to the fullest! With trial and error, my little pianists and I have found some creative ways to keep piano lessons fun while online. I hope you’ll enjoy trying these ideas with your students!

5 Engaging Ways to Use Music Note Flash Cards in Piano Lessons

Help your students review treble and bass clef notes on the grand staff in a colorful and engaging way with this vibrant set of music note flash cards. Music note flash cards can give students a fun way to review note names, learn to spell chords & scales, and improve their speed and fluency at note recognition. Learn 5 ways to use music note flash cards to play 5 fun games that help your students review treble and bass clef notes, sharps, and flats on the grand staff.

Develop Strong Sight-Readers with “The Great Sight-Reading Challenge”

Sight-reading is an incredibly valuable skill for musicians. While some piano students naturally gravitate towards exploring new music and sight-reading fearlessly, others are more hesitant to begin developing this important skill. I created “The Great Sight-Reading Challenge” to give all of my students some sight-reading motivation and to challenge them to sight-read three pieces or sight-reading flash cards/exercises each day at the piano and to help them become strong sight-readers.

9 Must-Haves for a Successful First Piano Lesson

Whether you’re teaching a first piano lesson, a trial piano lesson with a prospective student, or a meet & greet, you’ll need a solid plan to teach the student and interview the student and parents effectively and efficiently. Here’s my own lesson plan for a first piano lesson with a brand new student who comes into my studio for the first time for what I call a meet & greet mini lesson (definitely a low pressure and friendly name for our first meeting!).

Host the Best Ever “Happy Fall, Y’all!” Costume Recital

Is your studio recital coming up soon? Need help organizing the details (costume ideas, festive and easy decorations, food, student gifts, certificates & awards) and planning the perfect recital? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! Learn how to throw the most amazing “Happy Fall, Y’all!” piano recital your studio has ever seen: fantastic performances, fun games, delightful costumes, and the perfect programs!


At, our mission is to provide piano teaching resources, sheet music, and ideas that will help you and your piano students thrive!

Hi! I’m Melody Payne, a pianist and piano teacher, educational resource author, a fun-loving wife to the most wonderful and talented hubby I could ask for, and a lifelong learner who loves to share. I want to make your life as a music teacher easier by writing and sharing helpful and relevant music teaching articles, and by creating educational resources with your very own students in mind. If you are a parent who wants to enroll your child in piano lessons, I’d love for us to get started building those skills that can give your child a lifetime of musical enjoyment!

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