Category: Beginning Piano Lessons

Easy Composition Activity for Beginning Piano Students

I love doing fun activities in piano lessons to reinforce the notes, rhythms, and other concepts students are learning, while being creative in a totally different way. Keep reading to learn about a fun composition activity I do with my youngest elementary piano students, and see how easy it can be for your youngest students to compose their very own piece! #musiccomposition #composingmusic #elmused #melodypaynepiano

Googly Eye Dice Tutorial and Piano Teaching Tips

Have you noticed that dice and googly eyes seem to be incredibly popular right now in teaching circles? I’ve seen several great blog posts using one or the other lately! Here’s a really easy tutorial, plus piano teaching tips, to show you how to combine the two into a fabulous teaching tool and make your own googly eye dice! They’re perfect for any classroom, the elementary music room, piano lessons, and more!

Tips for Teaching Preschool Piano Students

Does your piano studio include students of all ages? How about tiny little preschoolers who are full of energy, endlessly enthusiastic, and always ready for adventure? Please enjoy this article and take note of this fun collection of tips and ideas for teaching the youngest piano students.


At, our mission is to provide piano teaching resources, sheet music, and ideas that will help you and your piano students thrive!

Hi! I’m Melody Payne, a pianist and piano teacher, educational resource author, a fun-loving wife to the most wonderful and talented hubby I could ask for, and a lifelong learner who loves to share. I want to make your life as a music teacher easier by writing and sharing helpful and relevant music teaching articles, and by creating educational resources with your very own students in mind. If you are a parent who wants to enroll your child in piano lessons, I’d love for us to get started building those skills that can give your child a lifetime of musical enjoyment!

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