Easy Lower Back Stretch for Pianists

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Easy lower back stretch for pianists

Our final blog post in this Piano Teacher Wellness series focuses on an easy lower back stretch for pianists.

In this series, we’re addressing the issues that cause neck and back pain from spending hours each day teaching and participating in piano lessons in person and online. 

I interviewed my physical therapist, Stephanie Elkins, DPT, to learn more about how we can prevent these pain and posture issues as we spend hours at the piano.

In this series, Stephanie is answering my questions about the causes of “Tech Neck” (the rounded shoulders and hunched back we’re all so familiar with).

She provides tips for how to strengthen the weak muscles that contribute to back and neck problems.

She also shares tips for how to reverse the painful issues that stem from spending so much time sitting in front of our devices with less than ideal posture.

Did you get a chance to read the other articles in this piano posture series yet?

The rest of this article is in interview format as we discuss a great lower back stretch for pianists.

Please enjoy this informative and enlightening question and answer session between my sister Stephanie and I.

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Lower back stretch for pianists

Melody: In our previous three articles, we’ve discussed strengthening the neck and upper back and stretching the anterior muscles.

We also talked about the important role they each play in eliminating pain and discomfort, as well as contributing to correct posture.

I’m feeling stronger each week, and I’m also feeling more aware of my body and what it’s trying to say to me when I allow it to slouch into an uncomfortable posture.

I’m really looking forward to learning more in this interview and learning about a lower back stretch for pianists that will help us feel even stronger!

What tips do you have for us this week, Stephanie?

Stephanie: In Part 3 of this series, we talked about stretching the anterior muscles and opening the chest by using doorway stretches.

This week, we’ll be working to stabilize and strengthen the lower back with this easy lower back stretch for pianists.

Stabilize and Strengthen

Melody: So far in our discussions, we’ve been focusing on strengthening and stretching for piano teachers.

How do stabilization and strengthening of the lower back fit into the overall equation?

Stephanie: The stabilization and strengthening of the lower back help you maintain the lumbar extension (ability to arch your back backwards) range of motion.

This also stretches the abdominals because they’ve been in the tight forward closed position, like we mentioned in the previous discussion.

This also stretches the front, and compresses the back.

We’re working on the normal vertebral movement of your spine so you can maintain a healthy level of motion in your lower back.

Melody: How can we work on that lumbar range of motion, the stabilization, and the strengthening of the lower back? Do you have a good, easy lower back stretch for pianists?

Stephanie: Prone pushups will help with all of that, and they’re an easy front and lower back stretch for pianists.

When you do prone pushups, you’re working on stabilization.

You’re working on strengthening the scapular stabilizers (muscles of the posterior shoulder).

You’re also stretching the low compressed muscles (hip flexors, abs, etc.) that are compressed in the forward flexed posture. 

Melody: This is exactly what I need! I’ve been feeling tightness in my hip flexors lately, so I’m especially excited about this easy front and lower back stretch for pianists. How do we get started?

Stephanie: Start by getting into a “prone on elbows” position.

This is an excellent exercise for scapular retraction and cervical extension because being in this position forces you into scapular retraction and forces you to hold your head up.

When you’re comfortable and ready, and you want a deeper stretch, push up onto your hands into a prone pushup.

The more you extend the elbows, the greater the stretch you’ll get.

This addresses your back extensors and stretches your abs and your hip flexors.

Doing prone pushups from your hands also stretches your cervical flexors and works on your lumbar extension.

Prone pushups address lots of important areas of the body, and they’re an easy front and lower back stretch for pianists!

How to Perform Prone Pushups

Stephanie: Here’s how to do this easy front and lower back stretch for pianists: Prone pushups. 

To perform prone pushups correctly, lie face down on the floor, couch, bed, etc.

A firmer surface such as a yoga mat on the floor is preferred, but you can use the couch or the bed if needed.

Push your body weight up onto your forearms.

To make it more challenging and to get a deeper and better stretch, push your body weight onto your hands and straighten your elbows.

Hold for 15 to 30 seconds, depending on your comfort level. Listen to your body. You want to feel a stretch, not pain.


Do 1 set of 3 repetitions. Repeat 2-3 times a day. After a day or two, your muscles may feel a little sore, but that is normal and expected.

A special thank you to Kacee Rose, LPTA, for demonstrating the correct performance of this exercise in the following video.

Recommended Tools:

If you enjoyed doing this easy front and lower back stretch for pianists, you might be interested in these additional tips and tools to further improve your strength, reduce your pain, and improve your online piano teaching setup.



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Picture of Stephanie Elkins

Stephanie Elkins

Dr. Stephanie Elkins is a physical therapist at CARE Physical Therapy in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. She received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, as well as her Master’s in Education in Biomechanics from Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama. Dr. Elkins has been a practicing therapist since 2009 and has practiced in multiple states and in various settings including outpatient rehabilitation centers, home health, hospitals, and skilled nursing facilities. In 2019 Dr. Elkins became a certified dry needling specialist in the state of Mississippi.

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Hi! I’m Melody Payne, a pianist and piano teacher, educational resource author, a fun-loving wife to the most wonderful and talented hubby I could ask for, and a lifelong learner who loves to share. I want to make your life as a music teacher easier by writing and sharing helpful and relevant music teaching articles, and by creating educational resources with your very own students in mind. If you are a parent who wants to enroll your child in piano lessons, I’d love for us to get started building those skills that can give your child a lifetime of musical enjoyment!

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